
My name is Mônica, I was born and raised in a small town called Colatina, which is close to the Capital of Espírito Santo. I moved to Massachusetts in 2017 and here I started a new chapter in my story.

Photography has been with me for some time, I've always loved recording moments, emotions and feelings. In 2013, at the encouragement of some friends, I took my first photography course and I haven't stopped, neither photographing nor studying!

For me, photography is the recording of moments, feelings and history that happened and that can be remembered and felt through the images recorded.

I'm married, I'm over 40 years old, I like exercising, I love dogs, I'm always available for a good conversation and learning, I love eating, that's why I like cooking, I'm very proud of my parents and my family. I am a daughter of Almighty God.

Now that you know me and know a little about my story, I invite you to introduce yourself and let me tell your story through photos.

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